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November 19, 2023, 5th Avenue & 81st Street: The MET reopened their 45 astounding European Galleries the week of November 13, after nearly 5 years of renovation. The results are beyond astonishing. 700 art works are now available to see in 45 separate galleries, most of which had been hidden away for nearly half a decade. The sheer size of the “addition” within the 5th Avenue MET location is mind blowing. The blue and grey paint schema is soothing and will become very popular.
The artwork from the 1300-1800 is impressive and immersive for the viewer. Rembrandt , Picasso side by side with Goya, van Dyke are all on display with countless others. Below are some of the inspiring works we found during our visit.
Interesting was how the art messaging evolved over this period. Literacy in the 1400s in Europe was only 10% for men and 3% for women. The paintings tended to tell stories, since visual communication was so much more important. As literacy rates grew the subject matter changed.
The inspiration derived from this visit will surely influence our designs going forward. Any special request or photographs of the MET artwork in the exhibition please reach out to us in the comments section.