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Stunning Swimsuits & Iconic Eyewear.
NYFW Sept 7: Nouvelle Chicane Eyewear and Evita Scoccia’s Evita Store swimsuit collection combined for an evening of fashion & fine cocktails in downtown Manhattan at DOM. This, the inaugural event at a private downtown club, was an evening to remember. It was also the follow up to NYSW’s summer success. NOUVELLE CHICANE eyewear was called upon to compliment the stunning swimsuits developed by Evita Scoccia from her New York fashion house in midtown New York City. NOUVELLE CHICANE is co-located in Midtown Manhattan as well. The collaboration was natural. The result was stunning. Statuesque models stood on the edges of the stage posing and throw back 60s style while the DJ spun records and models dance like there was no end to the night. Visit Charlotte Jones Opticians to try on the eyewear shown here on 9th Avenue and 36th Street near Times Square and Evita Store for the beautiful swimwear.